
Profil Staff

Nama Ayang Utriza Yakin, Ph.D
Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki
Status Non-PNS Dosen
Jabatan Lektor 200
Unit Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum
Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum
Prodi Hukum Keluarga (Ahwal Syakhshiyyah)
Bidang Ilmu
Alamat Email Email Uinjkt
Profil Blog
Profil Sinta
Pendidikan Terakhir S3
No Jenjang Nama Gelar Akademik Tanggal Ijazah
1 S1 IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
2 S2 HKI Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Societes
3 S3 HKI Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Societes Ph.D.
No Judul Jabatan Tahun Sumber Dana Tingkat Pendukung
1 "L’économie halal, le réalisme dialectique du halal en Belgique, et le rôle de l’Etat belge dans le marché du halal , invited lecture for the course on Islam Law at the Faculty of Law, Université Catholique de Louvain, Monday, 8 May 2017. " 2017 Institusi luar negeri -
2 "“Les Femmes et le droit d’aimer: sur le divorce pour absence d’amour en Indonésie,” invited lecturer in Institut d’études de l’Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM), EHESS, Paris, 9 February 2017. " 2017 Institusi luar negeri -
3 "“ Seeking Identity, Contesting for Authority: Halal Food and Halal Certificate in Contemporary Japan ,” preliminary research report presented at the public seminar of Asia Leadership Fellow Program, International House, Tokyo, 27 October 2016. " 2017 Institusi luar negeri -
4 "Halal Certification Bodies (HCB), the “Imagined Standardized Norms” of Halal, and the Shift of Religious Authority , public lecture at the University of Radboud, Nijmegen, Wednesday, 10 May 2017. " 2017 Institusi luar negeri -
5 "“ Indonesian Islam: An Example to Follow in the Muslim World?, ” seminar of Asia Leadership Fellow Program, at the International House, Tokyo, 7 September 2016. " 2016 Institusi luar negeri -
6 "“ Bahsul Ifta: The Legal Opinion of KH. Ahmad Rifai Kalisalak on Smoking and Opium in the 19 th Century Java ,” paper presented at the International Sym posium, on Religious Literature and Heritage (ISLAGE), Jakarta, 16 September 2015. " 2016 Institusi luar negeri -
7 " Harmony in Diversity: Proposing of Islamic Human Rights speech at the UN Forum of Malaysia, organized by the Global Movement of Moderates Foundation, 8 December 2014. " 2016 Institusi luar negeri -
8 "Sharia-Supermarket in Indonesia: The Use and Reference to Islamic NOrmativity in the Management and Entrepreneurship of the Supermarket TIP-TOP" Ketua 2016 PT/yayasan yang bersangkutan Nasional -
9 "“ Salafism and the Public Sphere: Disseminating Islamic Puritanism in Indonesian Islam through the Radio ,” paper presented at the seminar of Asia Leadersh ip Fellow Program, Zushi, Kanagawa, Japan, 11 September 2016. " 2016 Institusi luar negeri -
10 Asia Leadership Fellow Program (ALFP) 2016 Institusi luar negeri -
11 " The Wafe of New- Santri : Challenge, Opportunity, and Strategies for Islamic Education Institutes in the Muslim World public lecture at the School for Islamic Education and Quranic Studies (STITQI), Ogan Ilir, South-Sumatera, 3 October 2015. " 2016 Institusi luar negeri -
12 The Judicial Practice in Indonesia Religious Courts in the Field of Divorce Ketua 2015 PT/yayasan yang bersangkutan Nasional -
13 Naskah-naskah Qadi Kesultanan Banten abad ke 17 - ke 19 M: Kajian Filologi, Sejarah, dan Hukum Islam terhadap Arsip Kiyahi Peiqih Najamuddin Ketua 2014 PT/yayasan yang bersangkutan Internasional -
No Judul Jurnal Tahun Volume ISSN Tingkat Pendukung
1 Undhang-Undhang Bantěn: A 17th to 18th-century legal compilation from the qadi court of the Sultanate of Bantĕn Indonesia and the Malay World 2016 44(130), pp. 365-388 Internasional -
2 The Register of the Qadi Court "kiyahi Pěqih Najmuddin" of the Sultanate of Bantěn, 1754-1756 CE. Studia Islamika 2015 22(3), pp. 443-486 Internasional -
No Tahun Akademik Semester Matakuliah SKS Kelas Fakultas Prodi
1 2015/2016 Ganjil SEJARAH HUKUM EKONOMI SYARIAH 2 A Syariah dan Hukum Magister Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
2 2015/2016 Genap LOGIKA DAN PENALARAN HUKUM 2 HTN Syariah dan Hukum Hukum Tata Negara (Siyasah)
3 2014/2015 Ganjil SOSIOLOGI HUKUM* 3 A Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Sosiologi
4 2014/2015 Ganjil SOSIOLOGI HUKUM* 3 B Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Sosiologi
